Why Am I Failing to Install Allxon Agent (HTTP 403)?


One possible reason might be that you didn't synchronize the clocks of your devices. Clock synchronization plays a crucial role in security. Read below for more details.


Crucial Role of Clock Synchronization in Security Measures

Ensuring the accurate synchronization of device clocks is vital for various time-dependent security features, including certificate validation and revocation checks. This synchronization plays a crucial role in the secure functioning of SSL/TLS, guarding against issues such as expired certificates, replay attacks, and session management problems. Failure to synchronize clocks can expose vulnerabilities in security.

Enhancing Security with Time-Based One-Time Passwords (TOTP)

The security of communications between Allxon's APIs and your devices relies not only on SSL/TLS but also on an additional layer of protection provided by Time-Based One-Time Passwords (TOTP). Clock synchronization is crucial in TOTP to guarantee that both the authenticator and the authentication server generate and validate one-time passwords simultaneously. Without proper synchronization, TOTP codes may fail, leading to authentication issues or security risks arising from incorrect codes.

Enabling Clock Synchronization in Linux/Windows

As a crucial initial step in the Allxon Agent installation process, clock synchronization is performed to enhance the security of communications between Allxon's APIs and your devices. The process includes both synchronizing your device's clock and prohibiting clock offset. We highly recommend synchronizing the clock on your devices before proceeding with the Allxon Agent installation. For detailed instructions on configuring clock offset settings with your operating system, learn more on How do I Avoid Clock Offset?


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