Allxon Portal Role Guide: Admins and Members


Admin and Member have distinct roles and responsibilities in Allxon Portal, each can be tailored to your needs. 

This guide will help you understand these roles, outlining the tasks that can be performed and the areas that can be accessed.    


Action Admin Member

Add new operators



Delete operators



Receive email notifications regarding all changes made in the root group and its child groups



Delete devices



Access to advanced settings (three dots menu)  



Edit device profile details, (e.g. device name, address, etc.)



Move devices to another group



Send commands to devices



Create new groups



Delete groups 
*Before deleting a group, ensure it has no associated operators, devices, or distributed applications.   



Rename groups


Edit alert settings



Edit LINE alert channel settings/configure LINE alert sending



Edit Webhook alert channel settings/configure Webhook alert sending


Assign/unassign subscription seats

