What’s New in June 2023: Allxon Portal 3.21

What’s New?

Say Adios to Idle Devices!:

Allxon Unlocked Plan users now have the power to delete devices that have been lying idle or unused for a while. Clear out the clutter and make room for what truly matters.


A Hassle-Free Installation!:

We've simplified the Allxon Agent installation process for Windows users. No more entering command lines, you can now use the Windows Agent Installer to complete installation process on your edge devices.

UI/UX Enhancements

Intuitive Control Made Simple!:

We've given our user interface a little makeover to enhance your experience. The redeem Promotion and Edit Device Name options have now found a new home in the device list. Enjoy a more intuitive and streamlined user interface that puts everything at your fingertips.