Articles about:

Remote Device Management (2)

Q&A for Out-Of-Band Device Management Service

Can Allxon provide me a comprehensive insight into its OOB service and also recommend which IHV brands and models are best suited for its In-Band (IB) and OOB Turnkey Solutions?

Accelerating AI Model & Software Updates on Edge AI Devices

Allxon’s Over-The-Air Services Help Build Public Trust

Q&A for Digital Signage Software and Services Vendors

Allxon receives support request emails every day. In a recent email, we got a really good question from an American ISV (Independent Software Vendor) that is managing his client’s devices as well:

AIoT Device Crashes Are Every MSP's Worst Nightmare

Picture this: one day during opening hours, the primary overhead display device at a major fast food outlet malfunctions. Customers are streaming in, service is interrupted and management is panicking. How do you solve this?

How Japan’s Healthcare is Improving Elderly Patient Monitoring Through Remote Management Service

COVID-19 quarantine has opened our eyes to the usefulness of remote healthcare monitoring

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